Nov 01, 2007 In a previous post we narrowed it down to the fact that older versions of mIRC were in some situations storing the logging section without the full path information. The new mIRC fixes this problem, however it can't correct the incorrect paths in your old logging section.
Pick a software downgrade to the version you love!
mIRC 6.21 Change Log
- Fixed $timer().secs bug when used with /timer HH:MM.
- Fixed right-click on disabled toolbar button popping up menu.
- Fixed treebar and toolbar using same key accelerator in the viewmenu.
- Changed wording in help file for /windows -D.
- Changed /winhelp to allow help system to search for help file ifit's not found in the mIRC folder.
- Fixed /toolbar -z3 not loading actual icon size from an .ico file.
- Fixed pressing spacebar in channel nicklist not popping up correctmenu.
- Fixed bug with popup menus displayed using spacebar in notify/urllistboxes.
- Fixed passive dcc send bug rejecting files in dcc ignore list.
- Fixed /window -h not being able to hide status window switchbarbuttons.
- Fixed various tabbed text display bugs in @window text/listbox.
- Fixed scripts reacting to superfuous windows mouse move messages.
- Fixed display bug in reversed tabbed text in listbox @windows.
- Fixed dcc get window not being auto-closed on time-out in somesituations.
- Improved /drawrot, now faster and supports float values.
- Changed the way mIRC displays popup menus so that it triggersthe WM_INITMENUPOPUP for plugin developers.
- The LOADINFO structure now returns a minor version value that isright-padded with zeros, eg. 6 20.
- Fixed /drawpic parameter parsing bug.
- Fixed windows taking focus when mIRC is not the active application.
- Fixed $regsubex() bug with 0 parameter and various othercharacters.
- Added $regsubex() A parameter, non-spaced version of a.
- Fixed issue with $lactive not always returning a value.
- Fixed horizontal scrollbar bug in tabbed listbox @windows.
- Optimized display speed of text in windows and listboxes.
- Improved /window -b speed.
- Improved $network return value when connected/disconnected when onnetworks that use different network names in numerics 001/005.
- Fixed $dialog().focus not working correctly with comboboxes.
- Added on HOTLINK support for $() and %var in matchtext.
- When drag-dropping files on listboxes the listbox item under themouse is now highlighted.
- Fixed query windows in treebar/switchbar not being re-sorted on anickname change.
- Added Minimize/Close All menu items to treebar folder menus.
- Fixed script editor bug deleting very long lines instead oftruncating them.
- Fixed /window -c gpf bug when several status windows are open andthe first status window is closed.
- Fixed $window().state bug.
- Added $window().sbstate/tbstate, return switchbar/treebar buttonstate for a window.
- Updated library to PCRE v6.7, fixes various bugs.
- Updated support files to openssl v0.9.8b.
- Fixed on WAVEEVEND event not being triggered correctly.
- Fixed switchbar fill display bug.
- Fixed $didwm() bug not handling blank lines in editboxes.
- Fixed DCC Get behaviour if download folder does not exist.
- Fixed logging bug where logfiles were being lost if make folderrwas enabled and the same status window was used to connect todifferent networks.
- Fixed $eval() parsing bug when passed more than two parameters.
- Fixed nested $regsubex() gpf bug.
- Extended commandline -r and -i parameters to accept non-fullpaths.
- IRC Servers dialog now uses a treeview to display the servers list.
- Fixed $inellipse() bug.
- Fixed kill event handling bug.
- Fixed $regml() bug.
- Fixed log filenames handling bug.
- Changed DNS routine so that it now randomizes the retrieved poolof IP addresses to spread the load across connections.
- Fixed /btrunc bug.
- Added /server -z switch, minimizes new status window.
- Fixed numeric 345 not triggering on RAW event.
- Fixed dcc send time-out bug when sending empty file.
- Added command line switch -portable to make mIRC avoid use of theregistry, and $portable identifier.
- Fixed gif transparency issues.
- Added 48 x 48 icon to mIRC icon for Vista.
- Fixed minor cosmetic issues when running under Vista.
- Fixed /window -h not hiding desktop @window when it is firstcreated.
- Fixed Alt+N behaviour, when switchbar/treebar was enabledAlt+N was selecting windows hidden with /window -h.
- Added Lock Bars option to toolbar/switchbar/treebar menus.
- Fixed treebar not remembering /window -i item open/closed statewhen jumping between server items in treebar list.
- Fixed treebar not placing /window -z windows at end of list. Thisaffects custom @windows as well as other windows whose originalserver window has been closed.
- Fixed Control+Minimize lock bug. Windows opened on the desktopare now also minimized and locked, and system menus are no longerusable without unlocking.
- Fixed editor dialog not remembering correct position if Windowstray was in top/left position.
- Fixed /editbox not working with minimized/hidden windows.
- Added /toolbar -f[lsd] switches, load/save/delete toolbar intoolbar.ini file. mIRC auto-loads toolbar.ini on startup.
- Fixed $rand() floating point handling bug.
- Changed PCRE compile options, previous change had resulted ina significant performance decrease.
- Fixed $error being reset when an alias/identifier is called in the:error section without using /reseterror.
- Fixed regex identifiers not handling script errors correctly.
- Fixed logfiles bug resulting in lost or corrupted logfiles whenconnecting to multiple servers.
- Fixed reload logfiles bug when lines prefixed with both colorcodes and timestamps.
- Fixed channel topic/mode bug, were not being cleared correctlyon reconnecting to a server.
- Fixed Treebar folder icon display bug.
- Added Single click on tray icon to open option to tray dialog.
- When settings are changed in logging dialog, the logging state ofwindows and any open log filenames are now immediately updated toreflect new settings.
- Added Flash on chat message option to IRC Options dialog.
- Added Beep on chat message option to Sounds dialog.
- Disabling sounds in the Sounds dialog now does actually disableall sounds, even those using /splay or /beep.
- Fixed bug with Background pictures not applying correct displaymethod (center, fill, etc.) in some cases.
- Added new sound events to the Sounds dialog.
- Fixed DCC Send/Get progress bar display bug, was not showingcompleted transfer in some situations.
- Fixed incorrect evaluation of parameters containing $nulls whenpassed to identifiers.
- Fixed /ctcps, /events, and /remote not handling off parametercorrectly.
- Fixed $fline() and $line() returning results when listboxrspecified and used with a non-listbox window.
mIRC 6.21 Screenshots
mIRC 6 Builds
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