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PITCH: The Gameface Company
ASKING FOR: $450k for a 25% stake
BEST PART OF THE PITCH: Doug says his patented product has revolutionized the face-painting and costume mask industry. His product actually peels off as opposed to washing off. The mask is all water-based, so it's very safe for kids. Doug has been in business for five years with $102k in sales last year. He brought his kids in to show off his product, but they are asked to leave the tank once the sharks start questioning the evaluation of the company.
DO THE SHARKS BITE? Daymond goes out immediately once he learns that Doug wants $100k a year for his salary for the next three years. Robert follows his lead. Kevin offers to give Doug the $450k, but $300k of it will be a loan. He'll need a 25-cent royalty on every mask sold until the investment is paid off. Lori will give him $450k for a 40% stake, but she wants Mark to go in with her. Mark offers Doug a million bucks for the entire company which includes a salary of $80k a year for Doug for the next five years. Lori can still be his partner.
THE RESULT: Doug makes a counteroffer of $450k for a 35% stake including the annual $80k salary. Lori and Mark want a 10% royalty until they get their money back. Robert says it's time for Mark and Lori to put on their game face, as they all have a deal.

- Jun 07, 2019 Shark Tank The Game is still one of the worst board games that I have ever played as it is a broken mess that is just kind of dull. I have a hard time recommending Shark Tank The Game. I honestly can only recommend the game if you can find it for really cheap and you are a big fan of bidding games and Shark Tank.
- Oct 24, 2016 Shark Tank is a reality series which gives aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to present their business ideas to a panel of “Shark” investors, who will either choose to invest or not. The panel of “Sharks” is made up of some of the most successful businessmen and women in North America who are capable of taking these start-up businesses to another level.
ENTERPRENEUR: Brant Myers & Dan Grimm
PITCH: Arkeg
ASKING FOR: $100k for a 33% stake
BEST PART OF THE PITCH: Brant and Dan used to love to drink beer and play video games back when they were in college. That's why they created an arcade game with a beer tap on its side. It's the ultimate drinking game! The product sells for $4,000 retail and they've made 20 sales. Daymond pours himself some beer while Lori and Kevin try some wine. Root beer is also an option for the tap.
DO THE SHARKS BITE? Mark believes these guys are going to need a drink after they try to sell this thing. He's out immediately. Lori can't get into the Arkeg game either. Robert and Daymond also flee quickly. As much as Kevin likes the wine that's been served to him, he can't invest either. It's game over for Brant & Dan. On the bright side, they still own 100 percent of their business.
Shark Tank Game Face Update

PITCH: Dura-Tent
ASKING FOR: $50k for a 30% stake
BEST PART OF THE PITCH: Dan shows a video clip of flies feasting on refuse. These same flies then feast on foods that are put out during picnics leaving harmful reside behind. Dan has created a tabletop food screen that serves as a full enclosure for food being served outdoors. It has a door that fastens with Velcro. He's sold close to 40,000 units to date for various prices depending on the size. Dan has patents on these tents.
DO THE SHARKS BITE? Robert doesn't buy into the concept of putting food into a tent. He's out. Mark thinks this is a great product, he just can't add value to it. He's out. Kevin believes Dan is going to sell a bunch of fly tents. He offers $50k and wants $2 for each small tent sold and $2.50 each time he sells one of the big ones. Lori considers partnering with Kevin, but she isn't sure there's a huge demand for this product, so she then decides to go out. Daymond follows her lead.
THE RESULT: Dan doesn't feel Kevin's offer will help take the product to the next level. Mr. Wonderful is appalled by the fact that Dan doesn't want his money, so he decides to pull his offer completely. There will be no deal, but Kevin does offer to buy one of the tents at full retail price.
UPDATE: Wild Squirrel Nut Butter
College students Erika Welsh & Keeley Tillotson made a deal with Barbara for their Wild Squirrel Nut Butter during Season 3. The ladies opted to put their college careers on hold to work on the business fulltime. They've sold over $350k in peanut butter in less than a year and have projected sales of $1.2 million in the next 12 months. That's a lot of bread for their peanut butter!
Game Face Net Worth
PITCH: Hot Tot Children's Hair Care
ASKING FOR: $50k for a 15% stake
BEST PART OF THE PITCH: Megan says her company produces professional hair care products for children without the use of harsh chemicals. She does a demonstration with her toddler son to show how it all works. Megan has been in business for 15 months with about $20k in sales. Lori thinks the packaging of the product needs to show that it's for children. Megan is resistant to that idea because of all the other similar, less-safe products out there with cutesy characters on their design.
DO THE SHARKS BITE? Kevin doesn't believe people will care about this product. He doesn't know if this is a real business or not, so he's out. Lori feels work still needs to be done before she can invest. She's out. Mark likes the product. He offers her $75k for 40% of the company. Robert thinks Mark's offer is better than any he could make, so he's out. Daymond knows Paul Mitchell, but doesn't think that his one contact is better than Mark's offer. He's out, too.