Bomberman 64 Download

Game Description. Bomberman 64 is the first 3D game in the series of Bomberman. Other Bomberman games are Bomberman Hero, and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack. The player controls the character Bomberman. And Bomberman can walk in eight directions. His rotating camera faces eight directions and has a zoom level of three different kinds. DOWNLOAD Bomberman 64 ROM (Direct) PLAY Bomberman 64 ONLINE. In order to be able to play this game you need an emulator installed. See the full list of available Nintendo 64 emulators for this game. Were you able to play this game? Worked for 100% / based on 3 voters.

In this age of advanced technology, it's inevitable that all classic games get a 3-D treatment for their sequels and updates, Bomberman is no exception.

Bomberman 64 takes bold steps Ir new directions. First, everything is in full 3-D with full freedom of movement. You view everything from an overhead perspective. The one-player game takes advantage of this new, open feel by creating a big adventure game out of it. The worlds aren't huge, but you'll get to explore several landscapes as you progress toward the formidable Bosses. Along the way, you'll learn all the new moves available to a Bomberman in a new and strange 3-D world.

Anyone can tell you, Bomberman isn't famous for its one-player games. It's the Multiplayer Mode that puts every version of Bomberman (from the NES to the Saturn) on the map of success. The gameplay of B64, however, deviates from the past 2-D Bombermans. Battles take place in more open arenas. You won't find any rigid stages laid out in a grid pattern any more. Since everything isn't 2-D and in squares, the explosions are now round (instead of plus-sign shaped).

If that wasn't enough, Hudson has introduced a few new moves that adds a new level of strategy to the series. For example, you can pick up dizzy enemies and toss them into precarious situations (if you've ever played Konami's Poy Poy for the PlayStation, you'd have a good idea how Bomberman 64 plays). When you die, B64 resurrects you as a ghost, to annoy and retaliate. Ghosts can knock bombs around and jump on other living players, messing up their controls for a short period of time.

Perhaps it's long overdue that Hudson changed the look and gameplay of a series that has basically stayed the same for years. But as the saying goes, 'If ain't broke, don't fix it,' Was it wise for Hudson to change such a traditional and successful formula? Watch for the full review in an upcoming issue of EGM.

Overall rating: 8
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  • Game Name- Bomberman 64
  • File Size- 4.9 MB
  • Genre- Action, Development, Adventure
  • Region- USA
  • Console- Nintendo 64 (Download Emulator)
  • Developer- Hudson Soft
  • Mode- Single-player, Multiplayer
  • Year of Release- 1997
  • Download- 7980

Game Description

Bomberman 64 is the first 3D game in the series of Bomberman. Other Bomberman games are Bomberman Hero, and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack.


The player controls the character Bomberman. And Bomberman can walk in eight directions. His rotating camera faces eight directions and has a zoom level of three different kinds. The effect of the bombs differs in each game in the series.

Bomberman 64 Rom Download

But the abilities of Bomberman remains the same in both single-player and multiplayer mode. He can kick, throw bombs, pick them up. And to do all these power-ups are no more needed as they were required in previous games of the series. He can also pump a bomb by holding it at the same time.

The four bosses of the game are Artemis, Orion, Regulus, and Altair. They also have the ability to bomb. The different worlds of the games are Green Garden, Blue Resort, Red Mountain, and White Glacier. In each stage, Bomberman has to collect five cards and a total of 100 cards by the end of the game.

Cheat Codes

Battle Mode Lost at Sea Stage

802AC61F 0008

802AC703 0008

Battle Mode Blizzard Battle Stage

802AC61F 0007

802AC703 0007

Always Have Full Power-up Remote Red Bombs

802AC61F 0009

Atomic Bomberman 64 Bit Download

802AC703 0009

Have Custom Items

8108E570 FFFF

8108E572 FFFF

Have All Gold Cards

8008E57C FFFF

8008E57E FFFF

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